What is Permanent Makeup?

Permanent Makeup, also known as Micro-pigmentation, is a specialised method of implantating hypo-allergenic pigments into the upper layer of the dermis through microscopic injections with an extremely fine needle or cluster of needles.

Is Permanent Makeup the same as a tattoo?

No, different techniques, equipment, and pigments are used. Permanent makeup places the pigment into upper layer of the dermis, tattoo pigment is embedded much deeper into the skin. The main difference between permanent make-up and an ordinary tattoo is the pigment used. Permanent make-up uses oxide-based minerals, which are hypoallergenic. Tattoo ink is unsuitable for use on the face.

Is Permanent Makeup Safe?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Permanent Makeup is safe when the technician is educated in the control of Blood Borne Pathogens, is certified with Infection Control for Skin Penetration and follows all OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines. I have successfully completed my taining and certifications and I follow all of OSHA Guidelines for Permanent Cosmetics. I maintain stringent standards of hygiene. All needles are single-use disposable cartridges. Your health and safety is my priority!

What are some of the OSHA Guidelines for Permanent Cosmetics?

The tattooing equipment used should have parts that are completely disposable. All needles should be individually wrapped, sterile, disposable, and for single use. All pigments and anesthetics should be dispensed from the manufacturers’ original containers. The procedure area should be sanitary with hand washing capabilities (running hot and cold water, soap, paper towels). Any products used during the procedure should be discarded afterward every time. I uses a digital permanent makeup machine that uses completely disposable needle cartridges.

Are the pigments safe?

I uses several different pigment brands that have all been approved by Australian standards these include Tina Davies, Evenflo, Perma blend, Phi and LI pigments. They are organic and inorganic and are known to be safe for cosmetic use, colourants, and micropigmentation to the face and body.

A simple patch test can be provided for sensitive skin clients or clients that want to make sure they don’t have any severe reactions to my pigments prior to your procedure appointment. This needs to be organised as “A Pigment Allergen Test” appointment at least a week prior to your procedure date.

Will the procedure hurt?

Topical anesthetics are used throughout the treatment in order to alleviate any discomfort. See the Numbing Page on how to organise this.

How much does Permanent Makeup cost?

The average cost per procedure varies but usually between $400-$800. Brows have been known to set you back anything from $300 - $3000 depending on the artist you are going with. The cost of the procedure should not be the most important factor when deciding on a potential permanent cosmetic professional. Most important is the training and skill of the person performing the procedure and the confidence of the client in that artist.

How long will the procedure take?

Procedure time varies depending on the area of application and how much work needs to be done. The average procedure will take anywhere from 1-3 hours. A touch-up procedure lasts about 1 hour or less depending on how well your skin took the initial pigments.

What color or shape should I choose?

There is a whole array of beautiful colors to choose from today. I will draw the brow or lip shape on you and get your approval before beginning the procedure. I will help you selects a range of pigments that are suitable for your skin tone and from there you are free to roam. I am always happy to offer my personal preference but I will not make the decision for you. After all it is your skin.

Can I have cheeks, lips and brows all done at once?

Yes, a full-face procedure will take 4-6 hours. I have a “Glow Getter Package” that includes all 3. The aftercare for all the areas can be done at once!

Are there any side effects during or after the procedure?

While eyebrows and cheek blush may show little after effect. Lips may show moderate swelling. Also, some people swell more from minor skin infractions than others. During the procedure there may be some minor bleeding. This again, is client specific. Bruising is rare but if a person is on blood thinners, bruising could occur. If bruising occurs, typically it is minor and subsides in a few days. There is usually some tenderness for a few days on all procedures.

How long will Permanent Makeup last?

6 months to 3 years depending on what treatment you go with. The longevity of color depends on a person’s age, skin type and condition, aftercare treatment, sun, and other external factors. It is recommended that clients return for a color refresher procedure every 12-18 months. But again some clients will still be holding great pigment after 2 years.

What will the final color look like?

Colours will always look 20% darker immediately after the procedure and 50% darker the next day as the pigments will oxidise over night. Trust the process as this will fade anywhere up to %70 by the time healing is finished.

What is a Perfection appointment?

The perfection appointment is considered to be the second visit for the same procedure only. Usually it is performed 4-8 weeks after the original procedure. Touch-up is necessary for perfecting the result as some minor colour or shape imperfection can take place through the healing process.

How many appointments are necessary for a procedure?

Normally two appointments are needed per procedure; initial procedure and one perfection appointment. A 4-8 week to appointment will be made for a little tweak. Eyebrows and lips usually do need some additional perfecting.

Can I wear traditional makeup over my permanent makeup?

Yes, after the treated area is completely healed!

What is the recovery period like?

Immediately following a procedure, there will be mild swelling, redness, or tenderness that lasts a few hours to a few days (eyebrows swell less than eyes and lips). There may also be slight bruising. The final result can be seen no sooner than 4-6 weeks. So relax and if you have any concerns always email me and I will always be happy to guide you through it.

What to look for in a Artist?

A good artist should have: Certification in Permanent Makeup Training, annual Certification in Infection Control for skin penetration. Have Insurance. Work in a Clean / Sterile environment.
When performing a procedure the technician should wear gloves, mask, and have barrier film on all their equipment to prevent spreading of body fluids and blood. Avoid any PMU rooms that have any fabrics (curtains, blankets, pillows, foam padding, etc. They must have access to hot and cold running water, wall mounted soap and paper towel dispensers.


Contact Steph for more info.